Project Management: Streamline Campaign Success with Plegit

About Project Management

Plegit’s Project Management Module is your toolkit for overseeing campaigns, from donations and expenses to task tracking and donor communication. It’s designed to simplify your campaign management and maximize your fundraising potential.

Project Management

Why Managing Campaigns Efficiently is Important

Donation Management

Efficiently manage donations for your campaigns by tracking contributions in real-time. Access donor details and maintain complete transparency regarding their giving.

Task Management

Streamline campaign tasks with built-in task tracking features. Assign responsibilities, set deadlines, and monitor task progress to ensure all campaign objectives are met efficiently.

Expense Tracking

Keep a close eye on campaign expenses by recording and monitoring costs. Ensure financial transparency and effective budget management throughout the campaign.

Campaign Updates

Keep donors informed and engaged by sending timely campaign updates. Share progress reports, impact stories, and expressions of gratitude to maintain strong donor relationships throughout the campaign lifecycle.



The module allows you to track donations in real-time, view donor details, and provide transparency to donors regarding their contributions.

You can record and monitor campaign expenses, ensuring accurate financial management and accountability.

The module provides task tracking features, including assigning tasks, setting deadlines, and monitoring progress, ensuring all campaign objectives are met.

Easily send campaign updates, progress reports, and messages of appreciation to donors through the module, fostering donor engagement.

Gain valuable real-time insights into donor engagement, expense management, and overall campaign performance, helping you make data-driven decisions for success.

what makes us different

Take Control of Your Campaigns

Donation Management

Effortlessly manage donations for your campaign, track contributions, and provide donors with transparent giving experiences.

Expense Tracking

Keep a close eye on campaign expenses, ensuring financial transparency and effective budget management.

Task Management

Streamline campaign tasks, assign responsibilities, and monitor progress to ensure all objectives are met efficiently.

Campaign Updates

Keep donors informed with timely campaign updates, showcasing progress, impact, and appreciation for their support.

Enhanced Transparency

Gain real-time insights into campaign performance, expenses, and donor engagement to make informed decisions.

Donor Engagement

Foster stronger relationships with donors by providing regular updates, thanking them for their contributions, and involving them in the campaign journey.

Transform Your Charity Today

Unlock the potential of your charity or religious organization, boost fundraising, enhance donor relationships, optimise operations, and expand your impact with Plegit’s comprehensive suite of tools and support.